Saturday, 6 April 2019

The Evolution of the Mating Dance

To spot out these differences, and the way they connect to meeting and dating chicks, let’s analyze some history and some specifics.

From an evolutionary point of view – the male of the species is wired by nature to spread his seed and propagate the race. This is true of every form of animal life, and it’s true of us.

Waiting for your cock

To put it simply, we’re horny beasts, and we can’t do anything about it.

On the other hand, in spite of the fact that females want and need to propagate the species too, they are set up to be much more selective than guys.

This is true in the animal kingdom, and true with us.

Girls move much slower and selectively than guys do. And guys often screw it by moving too fast, as they believe girls react like men.

The best way to spot it is that girls – consciously or not – pick out the strongest, healthiest, most dominant men to mate with. Always have, always will.

If you think about it – this is a pretty good system for a successful species: The male is set up to mate with as many females as possible, and the females are set up to mate with the best possible mates.

So the male drive determines a high incidence of offspring, whilst the female drive determines a high rate of strong offspring.

This female drive to choose the strongest and healthiest mates – as opposed to the male instinct to just copulate – also has the role to ensure the best possible odds for her offspring and herself to be protected and provided for.

Again – this is evolutionary. We are not talking about “today’s world” where all of a sudden in the last fifty years ladies work and provide and all that. And that is fine and good for them.

But only by being independent and demanding, they won’t erase hundreds of thousands of years of evolution in half of century. These things are primal.

(This is an excerpt from the book STUD - The Ultimate Alpha Man's Manual, protected by copyright laws.).

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