Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Natural Instincts

 Natural Instincts

So what should we do?

We only need to look behind us – at thousands of years of evolution. Men and women are the same beings they were when we first got down from trees and moved into the cave.

Mass media, television, far-left feminism, Hollywood, and even your mother can’t reset a Man’s natural drives and instincts, and they cannot reprogram a woman’s either. These things are there and have been there, deep within each gender since the very beginning.

And as long as our natural drives are still there, it’s a shame that the last two generations have been telling you to fight off your instinctual urges and to deny your inner-man. Somehow, we’ve gotten the message that being a man is bad, and our drives have to be suppressed and kept hidden.

Men who “hit on girls” are made to look like idiots or perverts. The image is a guy in a sports car, gold chains, cheesy smile and even worse pick up lines.
In the meantime, the sensitive emo wuss is presented like a genius who sits back and laughs at the seducer.

And the truth is that wanting to sleep with girls is neither wrong nor perverted. It’s natural and instinctual. But that’s not what we’re taught.

And in the meantime girls get more and more frustrated since what attracts them to men in the first place is the fact that they are MEN. And only a few guys still understand this – and they are that 10 percent that fucks 90 percent of the girls.

Therefore let me ask you now – which group do you want to be in? Those 10 percent that seduce girls and bang them, or the rest of frustrated wusses?
I bet I know your answer.

(This is an excerpt from the book STUD - The Ultimate Alpha Man's Manual, protected by copyright laws.).

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