Saturday, 20 April 2019

The Lover's Attitude

Attitude is a multi-faceted concept. If you are trying to improve your erotic life and your success with girls, you’ve surely heard everybody teaching and preaching “use your attitude”.

And that’s totally okay, as long as you have the right attitude to start with. It wouldn’t be of much help to use your attitude if your attitude was completely wrong.

 Girls! Girls! Girls! Real and horny!

But what is that proper attitude? How can you make girls fall in line and be there for you using only your attitude?

Good questions. And you’ve come to the right place. Here’s a great instance:

Princess Leia: I Love You

Han Solo: I know.

We are about to learn here all the aspects of attitude that make you successful with girls, and other areas of your life.

Attitude, by definition, is a position – either physical or mental. For instance, an animal can adopt a position for a particular purpose, as in a threatening attitude. Or you can have a mental position toward facts or a state of being, such as a helpful attitude, or a positive attitude.

But that’s not all - as I said it’s a multi-faceted thing. Attitude is a state of readiness to facilitate response in a specific manner to people or situations.

Having an attitude is also known as being cocky, cool, or arrogant in manner – as in “That man has a real attitude.”

All of the academic definitions of attitude are essential to our discussion, especially that of having a position – or a standpoint.

And that is the kind of attitude we’ll be learning and living – a manner of approaching life, girls and dating in such a way that you take a strong position on it and are confident and cool in your actions and reactions to dating situations.

As you’ve begun to learn - unless you have the proper attitude nothing works.

Therefore, what does that mean, precisely? What attitude? What doesn’t work?

It’s maybe best put like this: you can have all the greatest pickup lines, tricks, and techniques in the universe – but unless you have the right attitude, they are useless.

On the other hand, if you have the attitude, you can say and do just about anything and make it.

(This is an excerpt from the book STUD - The Ultimate Alpha Man's Manual, protected by copyright laws.).

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