Have you ever almost had a girl, and done everything “right” and she still slipped away? Do you ever feel like you’re getting “lucky” when you get a woman?
If you are answering “Yes”, it means you have some attitude building to do. And it begins right now.
How many times have you seen or known of a hottie, maybe even one of your friends, who is with some jerk who doesn’t treat her as “nice” as you would?
Have you ever sat and listened to a girl who bemoans about “that asshole” and the way he treats her? You listen and you “understand” and then you’re not able to get anywhere with her whilst she returns to his bed again and again.
You or someone you know has had this problem. So what’s the point? Why is this happening?
At the end of the day, the girl is simply attracted to that “other” man – the “Bad boy”.
Just because you don’t think he’s good for her, it doesn’t mean she feels that way. And how she feels it what counts, not how you feel about her. Therefore even if this “Asshole” isn’t a nice guy, she still wants to be around him.
To put it another way, the “Asshole” has something of value in her eyes.
If somebody fulfills a girl’s every need, tries to make everything right for her, and be always there for her, this has a powerful effect on her.
Apparently, the effect would be that she would like that man, get laid with him, value his friendship, etc.
But actually, the effect it has on her is exactly the opposite.
If you offer your time, attention, money, effort and everything else to a girl “for free” - she puts zero value on you – and soon gets bored. She does this because the subtle message you are sending is that YOU put no value on your time, your money, and yourself.
And what do we do with things that have no value?
Correct. We throw them away.
If you value yourself, you have value to her.
On the other hand, let’s take a look at the bad boy or the asshole that somehow constantly has her attention, is fucking her whenever he wants to, and seems like he couldn’t care less.
What does he have that is of value?
If’ you’re thinking, “It’s because he’s a jerk” but have no clue why that would work, you’re quite close to being right.
The correct answer isn’t that he’s a jerk, though. It’s that he has value. And whether or not you think you have value is a matter of attitude.
Therefore just what is this jerk’s value?
It’s quite complex and will take a minute to explain, but then you’ll have a clear picture of what the attitude is and how to project it.
The worth that the jerk has is first and foremost that he values his time over hers.
This is something you have to project. And the way you convey this is by unavailability. Even if you aren’t unavailable this is a great opportunity to act as if, and exercise the “fake it ‘til you make it” approach.
Not that you should never be available – for she will eventually move on, but the attitude is that you insert her into your life when you have the time, not when she has the time.
You can’t jump at every opportunity to see her or be with her. You should tell her “No” once in a while when she wants to see you. You want your actions to have her, for example, telling her girlfriends:
“I wanted him to take me to the concert last Friday, but his webinar was too important to miss! ”
“I was at his house, and suddenly he told me it was time for me to go because he had to get to the gym!”
If your actions are too eager to see her, and you are constantly trying to be with her, she’ll probably tell her girlfriends things like:
“I can get him to take me to movies whenever I please. But I’m just not sure I want to anymore.”
If you stick to your schedule and do things with her when you have the time, she’ll still go out with you and she’ll still get laid with you.
You don’t need to be a jerk or cancel every date but you do need to value things about yourself. You should value things like your time, your money, and your desires and needs in general.
This has a tremendous effect on how she feels about you. Switch the roles – if she was always changing plans, and hard to get a hold of, you’d try even harder. Keep in mind that whatever you possess if you’re giving it away on the streets for free, it’s worthless.
On the contrary, if she has to work for it, it holds much more value to her than you could’ve imagined.
(This is an excerpt from the book STUD - The Ultimate Alpha Man's Manual, protected by copyright laws.).
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